Sunday, March 14, 2010

New blog

I attempted to keep the last blog I had, and I forgot what my ID and password was three days later.
I don't know how long this one is going to survive; however, I decided to write more about what happened in my life; so that, ten years later, I will be able to look back at this blog and enjoy my memories with Stephanie and Friends.

I had a pleasant spring break in the 2010, I hung out with my lovely Stephanie and my dear friends Mario and Cassandra. Stephanie spent most of her time in Orlando with her family, and they call it "family vacation". I will always remember how much I miss her every seconds of my spring break without her. (don't throw up) :) In fact, What I remember the most was the time that I spent with my friends, Mario and Cassandra! Somehow, I enjoyed a lot even we did not do anything for 85% of the time. After all those talks, walks, junks, and funks, I relized how good of friends I have.
Now, I am typing this while I am listening Mario & Cassandra practicing a play and the howl's moving castle theme song at the same time.

The ending of spring break open a new page of my life with school papers and tests. So long spring break, and I will see you next year. :)

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