Sunday, March 28, 2010

Supersize me!

Supersize me is such an old movie and everyone always talk about it. It make me want to see even more everytime I see it in blockbuster. Therefore, I got the movie "supersize me" yesterday tried to watch it, but steph decided to cut my hair out of no where.... however, it was a good hair cut though. :)

I have to say the movie "supersize me" totally change my view of fast food. Just like you know drunk drive is bad but u never see a car crash before. I can't belive anyone would do this to themselve. It just unbelieveble to see anyone doing this expericement to harm their own health.

1 months of Mc diet endsup 25 lbs gain.. whole bunch heal problems.
it took him 9 months to get back where he was...

I always on diet and try lose weight, and I always end up either gain back or didn't lose any.
now, I have my reason and insipration from the movie. I'm going to do it!!!

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